I wonder
What if I wake up one fine morning and realise that I have a writer’s block?
I’m dead, ok I will be dead if I said that. If I told my boss, “Oh I can’t think of a tagline that you wouldn’t call a pathetic cliché. Or I just don’t have any ideas for a brand-building promotion. Or I can’t write anymore of my much-appreciated flowery poetry for a new jewellery brochure.
What do I do? Live in mortal fear and wait in elevated angst for that dreaded moment to arrive? No, I ain’t an eternal optimist but I definitely believe in myself. So I wonder... can this ever happen to ME? I guess I don’t even want to hear an answer to my question. Because there'’ I don’t want to hear a “NO”.
But looking at the brighter side of life... there are a lot of stuff I can do... like... chuck my boss if he’s getting tired with my work or maybe change my job and work with newer clients and lines of business. Now, you know who has a problem in life! And how long do you think I’m gonna stick on doing the same writing. I’ll take up something new. How about tantric healing or maybe ----------? (Hehehe) That would be a 360 degrees turn from Risk Consulting and Copywriting.
Oh boy, I just cant wait for this “thing” to happen!!!
The world's a small place... EY,RABS,Chennai?
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