Monday, May 23, 2005

Do I really wanna take a zero-gravity flight or ride a white water bubble or feed sharks?

You can only ever understand you in your own terms.

Every part of you has some connection with something you’re familiar with.
If we crave blood, it’s no more than the way you crave food, or affection, or sunlight, and besides, it gets us out of the house. Coffin. Whatever.

The rest is fantasy.
And the reality is?

You're you.
You're you, with all your fuck-ups and all the things that make you human, all your fears, loneliness and I don’t know what more… is that all that I dread? All that makes me any less perfect? It sounds so simple to overcome these as I type, but none of that ever gets any better.

I just get colder than I am. Deader. Lonelier. For eternity.


Blogger Woodooz said...

Reality bites eh ?

Why not focus on the positives ?

I am me, with all my achievements, all your grit,my inborn humor, my skills that have been moulded to perfection over the years, my inner strength... and I wudn't know what more !!!

That way there is warmth, and I get alive and life is a lot brighter and happier :o))

Just going through all your postings... I seem to be liking them :o)))

6:56 pm  
Blogger gvenum said...

very nice....just the perfect reading for the monday blues I am having:) Cool!!

2:24 am  
Blogger J said...

Somu ~ Yeah yeah, i've heard all that and more. Me mastered creative visualisation and positive theraphy too! But i cant help it, when my mood-O-meter tips a point lower than 5 blogs like these come your way.

Gvenum ~ Monday blues??? u kidding me??? Blue's my fav colour! :)

1:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharks in my pond sound like a better option.

3:02 pm  

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