Ok, more on the spider again!
(Well, that’s not because I’m obsessed with them or anything like that, the spider episode is back on public demand! Thanks all you people for letting your imagination run wild!)
Upon relaying the scary and traumatizing spider experience to people I know, I was informed by one such smart ass that spiders just LOVE squeaky clean rooms.
Now ain’t that bullshit?
But me being the freak that I am, I couldn’t probably mess it all up! I decided to keep an eye out for the spider (who was missing all weekend). I sprayed the entire place with bug spray. I slept in my mom’s room, I had nightmares of eloping with mutant spiders who planned butter-sweet revenge. And this Monday morning, when I see him again. (Oh, it HAS to be a ‘he’ doesn’t it?) sitting happily on the wall, I ask him...
Temme something, am I paranoid or am I in love?
and what was "his" response????
You're in love--after all, you said "buttersweet revenge.
It sounds... interesting.
other J.
mmm butter
Ooooooops... typo! I meant bittersweet :D
maybe he's actually good ol' petey! :)
u seem to be arachnophilic :)
U love a spider? err.. Think U can handle it? I mean, he spider and with 8 legs and no.. err.. that one... but 8 legs.. Good luck!
Are you in love with the spider? In love with the spideman? Or is it some other kinda love?
It sure is a HE
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