Who in the world builds a new house over a grave?
Guess it's people who never say I love you.
Covering a morbid graveyard with cheerful construction is kinda creepy.
Loamy, slimy dirt refuses to suck up all the pain.
The ‘you’ve-done-me-wrongs’ remain frozen in the fences.
Insurance investigators know the color of money.
The cops don’t bother anymore.
The gruesome deliberate accidents.
The grotesque murder scenes.
Murderous suicides.
No pointing meddling with the memory of a mind that’s seen it all.
Leave the black sky to converse with the embellished crypts of unloved souls, the ivory moonlight being the silent spectator.
Put it back on the slope.
u are getting more n more abstruse or is it cuz i m beginning to understand u better now?
Naahh.. not dark enough.. the pencil point was great though..
Gory stories scare me. The lesser the better.
't shud've been 'cryptic mind' :)
Dear Ms Jayashri Jayaraman,
You need to have a break. Your consistent blogging about something perenially depressing , or intermittantly boring or randomly freaky is making blog readers across the world go into deep state of numbness.
Yours Sincerely
The devil
Dear Mr. Devil,
Did I ever point a gun at your head asking you to read and comment on my blog?
Doesn't that prove a point? (Not that I'm trying to make one :-p)
And I'm doing just fine (thanks for all your concern), so me will write all that I want to without a kitkat :D
Yours sincerely,
Hmmm.. I just realised that in all the posts that are on your page, the only word / phrase that I could actually grasp the meaning for was a three letter acronym! Oh wait, there was that spidergal post. So will be back anyways to see more of that ;)
... and Hitler's bunker is now a car parking lot!
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