Sometimes, you just can’t find the right word to describe stuff.
You think you know the ‘right’ word, but it just doesn’t strike your damned head, at the right time.
You try flipping a dictionary.
But the most obscure dictionary-approved word doesn’t always fit in.
That’s when ‘invented words’ come into the picture.
It’s not difficult to make up these words/expressions that say just what they mean and mean just what they say. All it needs is a little act of tossing ‘n’ playing with your words. Linguistic double standards.
Close your eyes.
Imagine the most wonderful thing you can think of.
Let’s say it’s a rare spotted deer, dashing through the grasslands or a beautiful wild flower or whatever.
Now, imagine a giant foot descending from the heavens and stomping it flat.
That’s how I feel today.
Not like the animal, but the foot.
I don’t know what to call it… what to call the way I feel right now. It’s not just destructive. It’s worse. It’s got a little bit of sadistic pleasure in it too. There are no easy answers, no antibiotics or rationalisation to this one. But it’s not one bit disturbing either.
I think I need some sleep.
Warped Mind
My brain, (if i had one) must be some weird, new age, reincarnation thing ... hmmm, yeah, that seems to be the most likely solution!
Linguistic Double Standards huh? Interesting.
how abt smashadeer....has a nice ring to it! does it manage to describe how you feel?'s all those vodka laced breakfasts, I tell you.
howz smash-anything-thats-in-front-of-me ?
Yes I make up new words all the time.
Get some sleep. Then more sleep. Feel better?
That was really superb. Your best post in some days, I must say!! BTW, the word for such kind-o feelings (where you almost have a word but you don't have it) is super-calli-flagi-listi-espialli-do-cious
or something like that :)
feeling like the foot which squashed the flower.. hmm..messy stuff indeed..!
sleep tight..
Hey thanks for visiting my blog. I am more Sinful than an attraction though.
you know what... there's nothing like a good sleep... have a great one :)
how about "triplheched" after Triple H from WWE wrestling? This guy is mean, sadistic, and comes down crushing on everything! Even his beautiful girlfriend :D
Thinking about destroying something beautiful is not the same as doing it. Luckily, you are in the thinking only stage, where you have nothing to regret later!
oh great....we cud always have more destruction around. bring it on.
Are you back?
Check for the images again. Must have been down for sometime.
Hah!! People are telling you ways to feel better. So many " :) " and pj's.
They don't get it.
Here comes my foot on all of them. Stomp, sqash. seem to be needing a lot of sleep.
good night..& happy stomping!!
i exactly know wot u r talking abt :)
I think this was made into a short film, if I remember correctly it was titled Bambi vs. Godzilla...
LOL I found it... Bambi meets Godzilla
Oh you can download it here... site has popups :(
J, where have you disappeared?
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