I feel great these days. It’s nice in a way to return back to sanity. Everybody’s been noticing the change. It’s visible, and they aren’t blind. They are even talking about it. I have nothing to worry about, cause it’s only a change for the better.
But when I’m alone (which is not very often, of late), I think about the whole thing. And it’s kinda scary.
What if I get addicted to it? What will happen if I stop? Will I get back to my ‘normal’ self? Will I be unscathed, able to get back to what I was and carry on with life? That’s what gets me thinking when I cant sleep every night.
I feel completely content and comfortable with whatever is happening to me right now. Everything’s perfect. Dunno if that’s good. I’ve never been this way before. I’ve never been happy with what I have. Not that I don’t want more in life now, but I don’t feel the need to do something interesting everyday, the way I used to before.
But why the hell am I thinking about all this crap if everything’s fine?
Maybe it’s not.
Warped Mind
My brain, (if i had one) must be some weird, new age, reincarnation thing ... hmmm, yeah, that seems to be the most likely solution!
Oh wow! I could have written exactly the same post.. just that i don't have the guts to. Sometimes you just have to shut your thoughts up in order to be "happy".
everything's gonna be just fine
Hey J! I am happy for you :) Just sit back and enjoy!
So are u more comfortable being comfortable or are u more comfortable being unconfortable. That is the question.
Just a phase girl...
times change... people like you... don't.
You'll be you for the rest of your life - you - your gift, your curse.
Who are you?
Make up ur mind...You either are comfortably uncomfortable or uncomfortably comfortable? Get it?:)
Everything that happens, happens for a reason.
Hey J! Hope ur doing good. Just dropping by to sat thanx for dropping by :o)
u know....i feel that way too...ever so often...but it never goes away cos u ignore it, does it??maybe, you can stow it away for the night and the next day or two, but it'll come back some other day.i am happy with my life too.but in the dark, the real life seems so unreal and then the questions come. i, like cowlick, think i too could have written this.
btw, feels good to be reading u again!!:)
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