Thursday, January 19, 2006

Everyone's doing it, so why can't we?

That quiet girl in the corner there, she’s done it twice.
That big brawly ugly guy does it every single day.
They talk about it all the time, and I’ve got nothing to say.
Sure, I’ll nod and laugh along with them.
I’m good at pretending.
Like I know what I’m hearing.
They wouldn’t know.
But the truth is, I don’t understand a word.
Back home, as in the home away from home,
I’ll consult S and talk about it.
He’ll nod and laugh for the same reasons I didn’t.
And we’ll fight.
Fight because we love to.
I must loosen my grip on him.
Not because he wants me to.
Not because I want to.
But because I think I should.
We’ve got different ways to go.
At least I know where I need to go.
But he sure is getting the best of me.
O Boy, do I hate that?
And then he'd say:

Untie those laces, because a trip is just what you need to get back off-track.
You are a mess, but I absolutely love you that way.
Let’s soak up the whole place in sulfur, and then burn it down.
We’ll then go dancing on those rocky cliffs.
You can you fall off from the cliff in one your nightmares if you wish.
I’ll be the hero, risk my own life and save you.
And somewhere between the sky and a horrible death below… we’ll find some time to fly.


Blogger arvindiyer said...

Do I see a new J? Think its time for more Beer with the unkals;)

2:41 pm  
Blogger madhavan said...

Yo, milady J, you aint helping my magic one wee bit. Dark talk will impress Madhavankutty Pillai, but if you want to crush Mr Crush then this is not the way to go. You can convert him later once the ensaring is done.

By the way, lots of cliffs on the road to Ladakh. Cliffs which run into moonscapes where there's nothing but moondust. That's the place to go. That's the road to heaven which then leads to Mansarovar where the swan princess has her palace in the deep of the waters of the clear lake. How about a journey J, to Mansarorvar through the moonscapes of Leh and Ladakh

4:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you are running away from love again.

4:46 pm  
Blogger J said...

AI, for heaven's sake, no unkals, u, me and Absolut Iyers :D

Neeeeeeeeeeeeetika dahling, no, no way, not me.

Madhavan, I didn't wanna write dark stuff in here. What if S reads it? What if Mr. Crush reads it? A dark dark mail's comin up to u rite now!

11:26 am  

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