When God launched the earth in this universe, things looked a lot different from what it is now. The grass was red and the sky was green. And Santa Claus make an issue out of it, he said it looked too christmasy and people might have a brand recall mix-up. So Eve was hired as a freelance designer. She suggested a blue-purple colour combo. Adam thought it was too feminine. He would have personally liked a black-green combo. Noah however though pink-white would make all the people happy and err… gay! Now God was in a fix. He couldn’t offend Eve for obvious reasons. Neither could he go against the brawn-power of Adam. And pink-white was way too sissy, for his liking. So blue-green it was, till the issue was discussed again by the blogwhores, blogaddicts. blogpimps, blogsluts, blogjerks, blogbitches, blogarazzi, blogwives, blogaholics, bloggenious, blogculprits and blogvictims.
Blogvirgins won of course. Now, to celebrate, let’s watch the ‘fat is nice’ campaign featuring Missy Elliot wearing compact discs.
Warped Mind
My brain, (if i had one) must be some weird, new age, reincarnation thing ... hmmm, yeah, that seems to be the most likely solution!
i think its DVDs..
I don't know, I think I would have liked my surroundings all pink and white. Imagine a serene white sky with wispy pink cotton-candyey clouds! But that's probably just too much cartoons-for-few-year-olds in me talking.
Oh, that, and God's a she.
Red grass, green sky?
Arghh... burns my retina just thinkin about it. :D
Ya, I agree with Anon. CDs are so passe.. Those are most definitely DVDs!
Heidi Klum's plugging a "fat is nice" campaign? When did she switch over from the "snort till you're thin" campaign? Or am I thinking of Kate Moss?
you have some art of wRite-ing!
thank u for not using my name in the fat is nice thing..
Is this the modern art equivalent of verbiages?
Me likes, allthesame.
tee hee hee :P very nice :D
hey ladyJ,
is the thirthyatra over???
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