This blog’s becoming a liability.
It tells me that I have to keep writing.
Even if I don’t want to.
Even if I don’t have anything to write.
That makes the writing constrained and unwarranted.
So when I do have something to say – like today – I fear it will sound unreal.
But I will say
What I have to say
Dependant. Exposed. Lost.
That’s how I feel.
I know what I want.
I know how it can happen.
But I won’t make it happen.
I want the plot to unfold on its own.
I have the unwritten words, written in my mind
All I need is a pen that’ll pick up the words and put them down on paper
Then I want the wind to blow the sheet away
Away from me, over to where I want it to go
I want the words to be seen, to be read, to be felt
I want a thought transfer to happen
And then I’ll live happily ever after
Warped Mind
My brain, (if i had one) must be some weird, new age, reincarnation thing ... hmmm, yeah, that seems to be the most likely solution!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
She wanders away
Tiptoeing into the darkness
Carefully avoiding the light
One, two, three
Something moves
She ducks behind the shadow
She looks up, nervously
With eyes barely visible
She senses something moving again
Eyes widen
Wait and watch
Strain to listen
Sinister silence
And then suddenly
Out of the screeching darkness
A nervous giggle escapes
But ends abruptly
With a hint of terror
Eyes refocus
Look for an invisible hand
Pushing the voice down
A smile forms on the invisible face
The hand keeps her down too
She’s engulfed by invisibility
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Wish I could read his thoughts, the way he claims he can read mine.
Why is she sulking now?
Don’t read my mind, you’re killing the fun.
Is she bored of me already?
Actually, I don’t think you can read my mind.
Looks like I’m losing touch.
I love it when you try and talk through silence.
Did you say something?
Er. No. I thought you did.
*Naughty smile*
Phew, she likes me after all.
You talk a lot.
*She turns away.*
I don’t want the ice to freeze again. Thoughts are flying all over the place and I can’t catch hold of a single one. But I think she understands me.
*She looks back and smiles again.*
Re the opening lines: think I know *exactly* how you feel :)
Here's to a great 2007.
A very good decision.
PS: The pen's already there. The nib has become blunt. Just needs to be sharpened or replaced. What say?
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